Research & Achievement
1.Liu, Huan, ShumanZheng, and Dongjin Li*. "PC vs.App vs. Mweb: Price discounts' effect on customer purchases across digitalchannels in China." Nankai Business Review International, available online March 28, 2023,
2. Liu,Huan, Kai Li*,Yan Chen, and Xin (Robert) Luo. "Is personally identifiable informationreally more valuable? Evidence from consumers' willingness-to-accept valuation of theirprivacy information." Decision Support Systems, available online 13 May 2023,
3.Liu, Huan*, and F. Javier Sese. "The impact of mobile app adoption on cross-buying: The moderatingroles of product category characteristics and adoption timing." Journal of Retailing, 98.2 (2022): 241-259.
4.Liu, Huan*, Lara Lobschat,Peter C. Verhoef, and Hong Zhao. "The effect of permanent productdiscounts and order coupons on purchase incidence, purchase quantity, andspending." Journal of Retailing, 97.3 (2021):377-393.
5.刘欢, 赵红*. 基于外卖 Apps 的移动终端购买意愿研究[J]. 管理评论, 2021, 33(2): 207-216. [国家自然科学基金委员会认定的A类期刊]
6.Liu, Huan*, LaraLobschat, Peter C. Verhoef, and Hong Zhao. "App adoption: The effect onpurchasing of customers who have used a mobile website previously." Journal of Interactive Marketing, 47 (2019): 16-34.
7.Liu, Huan*, Lara Lobschat, and Peter C. Verhoef. "Multichannel retailing: A review and researchagenda." Foundations and Trends® in Marketing, 12.1(2018): 1-79. [Marketing Review Journal]
8.Liu, Huan, Yao Zhang*,Yuelin Li, and Kendra Albright. "Better interaction performance attractsmore chronic patients? Evidence from an online health platform." Information Processing and Management. 2023, 60, //